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intersecting axisの例文


  • Here, the block numbers increase with distance from the intersecting axis, and the quadrant is suffixed to the street name ( i . e . 98th St SW, San Mateo Blvd NE ) regardless if the road crosses into another quadrant or not.
  • A non-discrete screw axis isometry group contains all combinations of a rotation about some axis and a proportional translation along the axis ( in rifling, the constant of proportionality is called the twist rate ); in general this is combined with " k "-fold rotational isometries about the same axis ( " k " e " 1 ); the set of images of a point under the isometries is a " k "-fold helix; in addition there may be a 2-fold rotation about a perpendicularly intersecting axis, and hence a " k "-fold helix of such axes.